by unknown
Ever since I was like 4 or 5 (about 10 years ago) in the middle of the night I would sometimes have this really strange pain. It was so weird. I can't describe it very well, but I'll try.
Like, whenever I move, I feel like a rock trying to move and I'm being crushed by rocks. But, I'm some sort of monster. Yes, it hurts physically but mentally I felt scared too. I would dream about being next to a rocky cliff but I was awake and could feel the pain of moving. And if I stood still, the rocks would crush me. But if I moved, it felt like I was a rock.
When it first happened to me, my mom freaked out cause I was napping next to her. I started screaming and thrashing so my mom, obviously, woke up and called my doctor dad. I was still whimpering and screaming but there was nothing wrong with me, he said. No broken anything, no cuts, nothing. I eventually fell half asleep but could still feel pain.
Now being older, I can still feel the same sensation but I sleep alone and I'm scared to get up so I just stay there in my bed whimpering. The next day I told my dad what happened and he suggested it was just a leg cramp, but I've gotten those before and it wasn't that.
I have yet to find a medical explanation or how to stop it. I don't even know what it is. I've never gotten a full phase of it during the day, however, some things will remind me of it and I will get flashes of the pain (for example, there's one poster in my homeroom that whenever I look at it, I feel it briefly for about 5 seconds). But at least once a month I will get the phases in the night.
It doesn't scare me as much as it used to, but it's still very scary.