Strange Demon-like Beast Encounter...

by J. Marilyn
(Ontario, Canada)

It's a bit hard to know where to start my story, but I guess I could start with the strange sighting I viewed when I was a child.

I was nine and saw a huge beast/demon like creature in my room. The memory is still so vivid, as I can recall awaking so rapidly, my eyes opened in a flash as if I hadn't slept a wink. I can remember looking over and catching a shocking glimpse of the beast. Its shoulders were large and broad - and its eyes were small, round and deep set, with a dark reddish-brown colour. It's skin looked soft (almost like a hairless chihuahua) but it was very muscular. It stood between my open closet, breathing deeply, staring at me.

I didn't know what to do or what to think - looking back on it I now know it was shock. I was frozen as it stood there. I can remember it's shoulders expanding larger as it breathed heavily, like it was out of breath. But as it stared at me, the only thing (as a nine year old) I could do without thinking, I slowly slipped my blankets over my head. It happened in about a minutes time but looking back on it these days, it seems like it lasted forever.

I have been wondering what this creature was and why I saw it for years. I've tried to find ways to help people visualize exactly what I saw and it's terribly hard. But it's face was deep... Almost like a sculpture or statue and it's skin was also a dark reddish-brown. I have yet to find anything that looks remotely like this creature - but if anyone has any insight or similar sightings on this creature, I would very much like to know.

It's face was kind of like a Chinese beast statue - mostly because it's lips and nose were defined and curled - wrinkled.

But since then I've always sensed a strange presence watching over me at times, mainly at night. I'm not sure if it's haunting me, since I've had no sightings of it since. But I've had many nights where strange things happen, like shadows passing overhead and things being tossed around. It honestly doesn't scare me too much, but only when it makes contact with me physically.
This is just a piece of some of the things I've encountered since then.

But again, if anyone has any info, I'd very much appreciate your comments and insight.

- J. Marilyn

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